服部道子さんプロフィール 埼玉県在住。16歳の時、看護の仕事を始めたばかりの軍医部で被爆し、死の淵の人々を必死で看病した。戦後すぐに、広島を離れて、青森県、宮城県、福島県、東京都などで厳しい生活を送った。病魔にも何度も襲われたが、被爆体験を後世の人に伝えようと、50代から始めた語り部の活動は30年を超える。2013年3月から「非核特使」として約4ヵ月にわたってピースボートに乗船し、世界各地で核廃絶を訴えた。著書「『あの日』ピカドンが」(文芸社)。
We know that the Russian attack on nuclear power plants in Ukraine and nuclear threats are causing many of you to feel an unprecedented sense of urgency.
Although we, too, feel helpless, we have been thinking about what we can do as a non-profit organization, the World Hibakusha Exhibition, and have decided to provide you with a symbolic photographs.
These photographs, titled "Hibakusha: Hatsuko Tominaga" and "Hibakusha: Motoyo Fujiwara," are the work of Ittetsu Morishita, a photographer who took photographs of Hibakusha in Hiroshima and Nagasaki for nearly half a century and died last year. Ittetsu Morishita founded the World Hibakusha Exhibition 20 years ago with the aim of raising public opinion for a nuclear-free world.
The following two photographs are provided.
Photo 1: TOMINAGA Hatsuko
1914-2002/Hiroshima Hibakusha
The white specks in her eyes are atomic cataracts.
A sharp pain runs through her body constantly, causing her to distort her eyebrows.
(1977, Eba, Hiroshima MORISHITA Ittetsu)
Photo 2: FUJIWARA Motoyo
1894-1989/Hiroshima Hibakusha
When the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Ms.FUJIWARA, who was helping to evacuate the city, was working near the Fukuya department store, 600 meters from the hypocenter.
Her five-year-old daughter and seventeen-year-old son died one month after the bombing. After that, she was alone and working hard, until becoming ill at the age of 91.
In this photo, you can see scars and burns on her arms and hands; they caused her much pain, especially in winter.
(1977, Hakushima, Hiroshima MORISHITA Ittetsu)
These photos, along with "Stop attacks on nuclear power plants!", "Don't use nuclear weapons!", "Don't threaten with nuclear weapons.", and "Peace in We thought that by having messages such as "Ukraine!" used together, we could contribute to sending a strong message around the world.
These photos are representative of a series of photos of A-bomb survivors that won the Grand Prix for the Peace and Nationality Award in the International Documentary Art Photo Contest "Humanity and Peace" to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the USSR.
I would like to think that it was some kind of mistake to use works that were appreciated by the Russian people on these occasions, but I am sure that many of the Russian people never wanted war either.
We, with all people, would like to overcome the nuclear crisis and see peace return to Ukraine.
If you wish to use them, please download the photos below.
We hope that these photos, which are filled with the thoughts and feelings of the Hibakusha, will be of some help to you.